
I am a mum of 2 girls who are not quite two years apart in age. I found breast feeding very painful and difficult in the early days with my first daughter, which is when I started going to Sarah’s breast feeding group. I was feeling quite low and thought that I must be doing…

Liz and Harriet

When my little girl was born in 2011, I desperately, desperately wanted to breastfeed her.   While she could latch on straight from birth, she just didn’t get how to suck.  I started pumping and cup-fed her, then moved to a bottle.  At this point, getting really desperate with no support, we were lucky enough to…


Arabella was born at the Rosie, after complications arose at our planned home birth and we were transferred. We ended up having an epidural though still delivered her vaginally, so had to stay in hospital overnight. To be honest I had no clue about breast feeding, other than it being something I felt passionate about…


Apologies for not getting in touch before now to let you know how things have been going. I kept meaning to email you, but I’ve no idea where my time goes these days! Anyway, I’ve got very good news to report back to you. For around 24 hours after the division, I had to give…


I also wanted to say thank you so much for your help with Abigail’s sleeping. I took things very gently with the ‘sleep training’, but have had some great results. Abigail usually just wakes once in the night for a feed now (a few times she’s woken twice, and a few times she’s slept through!),…