Response to Sunday Times Article of 4 August 2024 on Tongue-tie

What is it with journalists? Back in January I spoke to Samira Shackle from The Times about tongue-tie division in babies. I kept notes of that conversation. She gave the impression she was going to produce a carefully researched, balanced article on the topic. I think most readers will agree she hasn’t. Certainly, the parents…

Why is my baby fussing?

All babies will have periods where they are unsettled, cry and ‘fuss.’ This is normal behaviour. Babies don’t have the power of language so they ‘fuss’ to let us know something isn’t right or they need something. Common reasons are overtiredness, too much stimulation, and wanting to be held to feel safe and connected to…


I often get enquiries for parents asking me if I cut ‘posterior’ tongue-ties. These parents often do not have a clue what this terminology means as no one has explained it to them. But they are sometimes given the impression division of this type of tongue-tie is complicated and risky.  So, this blog will seek…


Does this look like it has been cut deep enough? 

I admin a support group on Facebook for parents with tongue-tie babies and this question is often asked. On that group we don’t allow the posting of photos for ‘diagnosis’ or for unqualified opinions by the public because assessment of tongue-tie pre and post division should include as assessment of tongue function and feeding. Photographs…

A nipple shield story

Just wanted to share a positive development in our feeding journey. It took 18weeks (15post division) but Edward has suddenly started feeding without nipple shields. I don’t think I believed you and others who said it will likely just happen when he’s ready. I used to try daily, then gave up about a month ago…


Hi Sarah, You may not remember me but Autumn 2021 we saw you a couple of times in your clinic (and a couple of times at Ely Milks) with our son Joshua.  He had a very severe tongue tie (you said it was probably one of the worst 5 you’ve ever seen), and had to…