Baby B January 2021

Four days on and wow I can’t start to tell you how much you have changed our lives nor how grateful we are. Day 1 and 2 after the tongue tie correction, he fed much better but got tired after a while so we supplemented as you suggested. Today we’ve got to the point he is a full and happy baby after just being at the breast! This is something we’ve never seen from him! He also only takes about 30 mins over a feed rather than the multiple hours. You have given us a happy playful baby where he was previously constantly fussing and crying. Your manner with him and us was incredibly reassuring and professional, I was very grateful that you talked us through all the risks so honestly.
We went to the paediatrician today and since we saw you 4 days ago B has put on 115g (with supplements prior to tongue tie correction he was putting on 160g a week!) The consultant was really happy with your plan and given he was already showing improvement he opted not to intervene at this stage. He is going to see him back in 6-8 weeks just for a re-weigh, if everything is continuing as it is then he will sign us off.
I’m over the moon! After being so worried this is such a relief!! Thank you!

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